Open Grazing

Open-grazing is a model in which cattle directly graze native and improved pastures in the field.

Much of the land in Sulawesi and East Indonesia is ideal for this system.

Opportunities to establish projects in these regions were somewhat limited, due to difficulty of delivery of Australian cattle to the sites. However, two IACCB partners were selected. They are:

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Badan Usaha Milik Petani PT Cahaya Abadi Petani (PT CAP) in South Kalimantan failed its commercial viability assessment even though feeder production cost is low and well below the cost of Australian imported feeder cattle. Annual weaning rates have been consistently low especially because of late culling of unproductive heifers and late weaning of calves due to infrastructure issues that made it impossible to keep weaned calves away from their mothers. A new strategy has been put in place where newly weaned calves have been placed on another property. This strategy will hopefully result in quicker pregnancies which should improve overall performance.