The increasingly limited land along with population growth has been frequently discussed in relation to the development of land-based investments, such as agriculture and livestock.
Integration pattern in breeding cows, for example within a plantation, has tremendous potential, sustainable and economical because it can produce local feeder cows that are cheaper than imported ones.
The Indonesia Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector (the Partnership) awarded Certificates of Achievement to four Indonesian cattle breeding companies and co-ops from East Java, Bengkulu, South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. This achievement is an important milestone in becoming commercially sustainable.
The population of livestock, especially cattle, currently reaches more than 82,000 heads and almost spread evenly in every village in Tanah Laut,
The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) is partnering with Coffey International Development Pty Ltd as managing contractor for the Indonesia-Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program (IACCB) to review the integrated oil palm and cattle production program in a number of oil palm plantations.
Interview with Yulissa Fitrianis, a veterinarian at PT. Bio Nusantara Teknologi.
Read the story of Women in the Cattle Shed, a motivated and highly committed women who works tirelessly hoping to make significant and lasting change in their community.
Three hundred Australian cattle have arrived in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, in a historic first shipment for the Indonesia-Australia Commercial