Information Dissemination and Promotional Activities
Discussion on Commercial Cattle Breeding Models in Indonesia - co-hosted with Indonesia's Ministry of Agriculture (18 June 2020)
The COVID-19 pandemic has required IACCB to adapt its promotion activities, by interacting with industry, government officials and other interested parties through a series of Webinars, including co-hosting with the Ministry of Agriculture. The Webinars have allowed IACCB to reach a very wide group of interested parties all over Indonesia with more than 1500 people (44% were female) attending the 5 Webinars held to date. Conventional promotional avenues, such as conferences, would reach a much less diverse audience, and are much less costs effective.
Materials and coverage of the webinars can be downloaded on the links provided below.
CALFIN, CALPROS and CALPROF and our Cattle Breeding Manual are available, free of charge, from the IACCB website - To date about 250 people have accessed the manual (hard and soft copies) and there have been 130 downloads of CALFIN, CALPROS and CALPROF.
To access/ download the tools CALFIN, CALPROS, and CALPROF please click here.
To access the Cattle Breeding Manual in English or Bahasa Indonesia, please click here
Skills Development
Gita Pertiwi, the Non-profit Management Consultancy Company, Supporting Organizational Strengthening of IACCB Smallholder Partners
The COVID-19 pandemic has required IACCB deliver technical support to its partners on-line through webinars, Whatsapp video or zoom meetings. To maximize the take up of IACCB findings and tools after the program closure in February 2021, we are now actively working with our partners to establish industry led training and curriculum. This includes smallholder technical support by Gita Pertiwi – an Indonesian small-and-medium enterprise management consulting foundation, with specific interest in agriculture and livestock. Gita Pertiwi, is currently supporting curriculum development with two of our smallholder partners - KPT in Lampung and P4S Karya Mandiri in Central Kalimantan, both with P4S status (government accredited and supported training centers).