IACCB is supporting two strategies that aim to build sustainable industry skills development- partners establishing “Centers of Excellence”, and supporting IACCB Service Providers/Consultancy companies (e.g. CALFIN, CALPROS, CALPROF providers) to diversify their client base to cattle investors.
Cattle Breeding Center of Excellence
BKB, in South Kalimantan, is formalizing their 3-year experience hosting visitors and sharing their cattle breeding experiences by setting up a SISKA Center of Excellence. The Center now offers three commercial training-packages including: (i) a one-day Agro-tourism visit; (ii) a 3-day SISKA basic training; and (iii) a 7-day advanced training in SISKA. Flyer available here
BKB managers, both plantation and livestock managers, are frequently invited by Ministry of Agriculture, Local Governments, research institutes (e.g. Indonesian Oil-palm Research Institute) and interested companies to present their SISKA implementation experiences. BKB also host university students carrying out tertiary education research. IACCB is supporting BKB in its plans to develop a consultancy unit that could, in the future, commercialize these opportunities.
Open-Grazing Model Inspires Agricultural Vocation School Curriculum
PT CAP, South Kalimantan, has recently established the P4S-Ushuluddin (Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya/ Training Centre for Agriculture and Village Self-Development), an agriculture training center unit that has a focus on extensive cattle breeding management. Two students from the Pelaihari Agricultural Vocational School finished their 2-month internship and 10 students (5 females and 5 males) from the Buntok Agricultural Vocational School in Central Kalimantan are undertaking a 4-month cattle breeding training at CAP, including subjects on animal health and cattle handling, delivered by Dr. Ross Ainsworth, IACCB Animal Health Adviser. PT CAP is now preparing to market these training opportunities to other technical schools, farmer groups and the local livestock agency.
P4S now provides training on BX Cattle Breeding
P4S is now providing, after receiving IACCB technical support, a 3-day basic and a 7-day advanced cattle breeding training package at its newly established BX cattle farm. P4S has also recently added the subject of cattle breeding to its 3-month on-the-job training packages in a collaborative arrangement with 8 different Agricultural Vocational Schools. The government training body under the Ministry of Agriculture, BBPP Binuang - Balai Besar Pelatihan Pertanian Binuang, from South Kalimantan, also provides support by sending lecturers, office supplies, training materials and machinery. Flyer available here
Story on P4S - CALVING OUT A FUTURE is available here
The Red Meat and Cattle Partnership and IACCB have also been filling the industry staffing gap by providing educational programs for enthusiastic cattle entrepreneurs, managers and staff, including those from IACCB partners
Accredited Commercial Cattle Breeding and Management Training
Twenty participants (18 male, 2 female) from Indonesia’s cattle breeding industry participated in the third batch of three week Commercial Cattle Breeding and Management Training. The training, facilitated by Universitas Gadjah Mada, exposed participants to various breeding models, including integrated cattle production with palm oil plantation (SISKA), breedlot / smallholder partnerships, and extensive breeding operations in Australia. Participants undertook a Breeding Manager Competency Assessment, implemented by the Indonesian Livestock Professional Certification Agency and endorsed by the National Professional Certification Agency. This is the first professional recognition for breeding managers in Indonesia.
Accredited Pregnancy Test Training for Para Vets
Fifteen Indonesian para vets (14 male, 1 female) from the cattle breeding industry participated in a three- week accredited Cattle Pregnancy Test training held in BBIB Singosari—a government breeding centre in Malang, East Java. The course aims to improve the skills and capacity of para vets working in cattle breeding to achieve high reproductive efficiency through effective and accurate pregnancy test in their breeding operations.
Cattle Reproduction Management Training for Vets
Facilitated by industry practitioners and senior veterinarians from IPB University, the course equipped participants from various cattle breeding enterprises in Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan with advanced cattle reproduction knowledge and skills. During the course included practical training in IPB laboratories, and a site visit to PT Lembu Jantan Perkasa—an integrated cattle breeding feedlot in Serang, Banten. The course improved participants ability to drive better reproductive efficiency through accurate pregnancy tests.
CALFIN training has been provided to the owners of our plantation partners in Kalimantan as well as to the software developer involved in the CALPROF development. A first presentation has been done to the banking sector i.e. BRI Agro to assess the usefulness of the tool providing information for loan applications.
CALPROS and CALPROF training has been given to the administrative teams of the three plantation partners and one small-holder involving 7 participants of which three women.