• IACCB Quarterly Update - January 2021
    IACCB Quarterly Update - January 2021
  • Innovatively Outsmarting the High Feed Cost in Cattle Breeding Business
    Innovatively Outsmarting the High Feed Cost in Cattle Breeding Business
  • Promotion to Industry and Government
    Promotion to Industry and Government
  • SISKA Partners Scaling-up -  A Sign of Commercial Success
    SISKA Partners Scaling-up - A Sign of Commercial Success
  • Partnership – IACCB Webinar Vol 1:
    Partnership – IACCB Webinar Vol 1:
  • Impact Analysis of Land Fertility and Oil-palm Productivity on the Integrated System of Oil-Palm and Cattle Production - Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
    Impact Analysis of Land Fertility and Oil-palm Productivity on the Integrated System of Oil-Palm and Cattle Production - Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
  • Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya Bojonegoro Successfully Breeds Australian Brahman Cross Cattle
    Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya Bojonegoro Successfully Breeds Australian Brahman Cross Cattle
  • IACCB Formally Handed Australian Brahman Cross Cattle To KPT Maju Sejahtera in South Lampung
    IACCB Formally Handed Australian Brahman Cross Cattle To KPT Maju Sejahtera in South Lampung
  • Preliminary Results Are In!
    Preliminary Results Are In!
  • Industry Driven Education Takes Off
    Industry Driven Education Takes Off
  • Third Generation Cows for Sumarjono
    Third Generation Cows for Sumarjono

Indonesia-Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program

IACCB, which commenced in February 2016, is a project within the Indonesia-Australia Partnership on Food Security in Red Meat and Cattle Sector. IACCB’s goal is to expand the commercial-scale beef cattle breeding industry in Indonesia. It does this by partnering with eight project partners in six Indonesia provinces, and testing three cattle breeding models (1) Integrated Oil Palm and Cattle Production; (2) Open Grazing and (3) Smallholder Cut and Carry.

Breeding Models

Cattle at PT KAL's facility in Central Kalimantan
  • Integrated oil palm and cattle production
SISKA Partners are actively involved in the promotion of SISKA in support of MoA efforts to increase the number of SISKA enterprises as part of the efforts of GoI to increase cattle numbers.

Our SISKA partners have been involved in several industry and government webinars to disseminate their experiences running SISKA enterprises. The events provide an opportunity to ensure interested stakeholders are aware of both the opportunities and the challenges. An IACCB-organised webinar involved the DG Livestock and the DG Estates in MoA who are very supportive of efforts to expand the SISKA-model as a strategy for optimising land productivity and increase cattle numbers. These events also provided an opportunity to inform oil palm industry bodies, such as the Indonesian Oil Palm Association, of opportunities regarding SISKA.

Cattle Grazing in PT CAP in South Kalimantan
  • Open Grazing
Open Grazing Ranch Identifies 'culling under-performing cows' and 'earlier weaning' as key factors to improve ranch performance

PT Cahaya Abadi Petani (PT CAP), our Open Grazing partner located in South Kalimantan, has been reluctant to cull less productive cows to maintain herd numbers which impacted calving rates severely. Late weaning, due to deficiencies in infrastructure, contributed to long calving intervals and weaning rates, impacting commercial viability.

A calf at KPT MS, Lampung
  • Cut and carry smallholder group
Small-holder Cut and Carry Breedlots. Access to Markets Influencing Sustainability of Enterprises

Marketing BX cattle encounters different dynamics in different regions in Indonesia. Our partner Koperasi Petani Ternak Maju Sejahtera (KPT-MS) in Lampung benefits from the pong0term experience of stakeholders in the sector with BX-cattle. Cattle traders and butchers have decades of experience with processing BX cattle and BX cattle fetch higher prices than local cattle. Our partner in Bojonegoro, Sentra Peternakan Rakyat Mega Jaya (SPR-MJ), on the other hand, encounters an environment where BX cattle are relatively new, and traders do not provide premium prices as the market prefers local or cross-bred, with Limousin and Simmental Cattle.

  • SISKA-Breedlot
Semi SISKA - Semi Breedlot - a Profitable Alternative

PT Superindo Utama Jaya (SUJ), in Lampung Province is expanding its cattle infrastructure, with another 160 calving pens, enabling the stockmen to separate highly pregnant cattle for calving. Heifers and calves remain in the pens for a couple of weeks to ensure low calf mortality rates.  

Investor Tools

Planning Tool
Planning Tools
Cow-Calf Operations Financial Model (CALFIN)
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Commercial Cattle Breeding Manual
Commercial Cattle Breeding Manual
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Monitoring Tools
Monitoring Tools
Cow-Calf Productivity Software and Spreadsheet (CALPROF & CALPROS)
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IACCB Quarterly Update

IACCB Quarterly Update
January 2021

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