Sumarjono only has one thing in mind when he wakes up in the morning, to make sure he gives plenty of feed to his cows. He was given the privilege to take care of 33 Brahman X calves, the second generation of calves that were born out of more than 100 heifers given to Famers Cooperative (KPT) Maju Sejahtera by the IACCB in 2017.
All four SISKA-partners have successfully passed their Commercial Viability Assessments and finished their two-year implementation period.
The Open Grazing model is, as expected, proving to be a great success with the high level of performance at close to lowest cost.
The two Smallholder Cut and Carry partners have sustained good cattle conception rates in their second year of operation.
An exciting collaboration with P4S Karya Mandiri Desa Kubu (Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya) in Central Kalimantan is underway with the delivery of twenty pregnant BX-heifers, of which more than 50% have already given birth.
Buana Karya Bakti (BKB) in South Kalimantan is expanding their cattle breeding business.
In 2018, the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) undertook preliminary research on the impact of cattle grazing under oil palm, specifically on soil fertility, oil palm productivity and the spread of Ganoderma.
There has been conjecture in some circles (small farmers and the Government of Indonesia) that Australian Brahmans are not successful breeders in Indonesia.
40 out of 142 calves belong to the Livestock Production Cooperative (KPT MS) in South Lampung were auctioned for the wider community
The Partnership continues to help find ways to synergise commercial cattle breeding with palm plantation activities.