The original cattle herds of our partners, totalling 1,429 cattle (1,315 female and 114 male), have produced a substantial number of calves totalling 2,059.
Discovering mutually beneficial BX Cattle Breeding Partnership Models
The Integrated Cattle – Oil Palm Conference (ICOP) was held on the 23rd October in Jakarta with over 240 delegates attending. Convened by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) and the Partnership, ICOP explored the latest developments in cattle oil palm integration.
National government and research institute interest in SISKA is at an all-time high. IACCB and our partners have presented SISKA results to the MOA on numerous occasions over the last 3 months, and recently staff from the MoA Directorate Feed and the Directorate Processing and Marketing Livestock Products visited BKB.
Now that IACBB runs towards its final year of operation and has 3 years of project results, the IACCB team is focusing its efforts on communicating results.
The Partnership and the Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) have united to host a landmark event in the cattle breeding sector.
Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya is valued as successful in breeding Australian Brahman Cross cattle in 33 months partnership with the Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding (IACCB) Program. For this success, the IACCB Program officially handed 73 Brahman Cross cattle to SPR Mega Jaya at Bojonegoro District today (7/10).
Thirty-seven breeder groups, members of the Livestock Production Cooperative (Koperasi Produksi Ternak/KPT) of Maju Sejahtera in Tanjung Bintang Subdistrict, South Lampung officially received the Brahman Cross Australia breeders from the Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding (IACCB) Program (30/9).
After more than 2 years of partner engagement and project delivery, key commercial performance indicators (conception rates, calving rates, weaning rates, calving intervals and Average Daily Gains) are starting to show trends, supporting a more conclusive answer on the commercial viability of the SISKA model - cattle breeding in oil palm plantations and the Cut-and-Carry small-holder breeding model. The Open-grazing model will need another 6 months of data given the later start of the open-grazing project. Conclusive results for all three models will be made available to industry in early 2020.
The growth of the Indonesian cattle breeding industry is highly dependent on investors having access to competent staff – which is currently lacking in Indonesia. IACCB is supporting a number of exciting industry backed initiatives that aim to fill this gap.Both initiatives will allow IACCB partners to pass on their acquired cattle breeding experience and knowledge to their peers, government agencies and other interested stakeholders.